Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Lure of Temptation

I hate the lure of temptation.  I hate how easy it is to give in.  I hate the loneliness and poor self esteem that enlarges my longing for lust.  I hate how my walk with God is negatively affected and intimacy with Him withers when I indulge.

Can you relate?

Fighting our sins to the death really makes room for greater joys than sin's lying promises to sustain us.  Saying no to lust equips us to be a stronger witness for the Lord and removes any hypocritical ways about us.

Delighting in God through the regular reading of His word transforms our thinking and refines our desires, shapes our thinking so it better honors God, and frees us from the perversity that holds us captive.

Reading books and studying Christian resources about purity and repentance give us the tools we need to fight.

Surrender to God is crucial.  Giving God His rightful place on the throne of our hearts and giving Him full control is the best choice.  Asking God to mold and shape us, break and deliver us, transform and purify us is so needed.

Waiting on God's timing for intimacy and relationship with another person is difficult.  Running to porn and self-gratification is quick and without an internet filter, too accessible.  The difference?  Waiting on God will enable growth and His timing is perfect.  It's like making a rich, healthy meal.  Even though it takes hours to cook, the result can be scrumptious.  Seeking a quick fix to our arousal and strong sex drive through secondary means is like cooking processed food in a microwave.  Sure, it may appease your appetite for the hour, but in the end will only leave you lethargic and unhealthy.  It's lacking nutrition and is a poor choice for your all-around health.  It's like a sugar high that leaves you even emptier and hungry for a fulfilling meal that satisfies beyond the half hour it's enjoyed.


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