Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Seeking Biblical Counsel is Important


Seeking godly counsel over the issues, strongholds, problems, and sins we cannot overcome on our own is a wise choice.

Here are a few of the benefits:

  • The counselor, mentor, Pastor and/or Spiritual Care Giver will offer a different perspective and Biblical wisdom you may have been blind to, unaware of, or simply uninformed
  • They can share the wisdom they have gleaned through their studies and experience (both in their own lives and in the lives of people they have mentored)
  • It is a form of accountability and encouragement to continue seeking after the Lord and keep Him first
  • Enables you to discuss and work through the underlying issues in your heart and life
  • Be taught specific steps to take to deal with your problems
  • Suggested Biblical resources (books, articles, ministries, lectures, web sites, sermons, etc.) that address the particular issue you are dealing with
  • Prayer partners or people who will keep you in prayer


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