As recently posted in the Emma Joy Weekly Newsletter
An Essential Undertaking
Happy February, everyone.
Each month (or day) we're alive is reason to celebrate.
At the beginning of 2019, I put together a document of monthly newsletter and blog post themes I would like to address this year and this month it is the topic of Relationships. My blog post theme for February is on the topic of Goal Setting which can be read here.
Differing wills can make any relationship feel more like work than play. But like anything in life, hard work always precedes play. We work to gain money, we exercise to be healthy, we study to grow as a person, we deny ourselves and take up our cross daily to do our part in the sanctification process!
If we want our relationships to thrive instead of barely survive, the following must be pursued by each party and lived out intentionally:
- Humility
- A willingness to admit fault
- An eagerness to own up to your part of the problem
- A respect for the other person's separateness and an awareness of how to navigate each of your roles
- Learning each other's love language, apology language, and communication style
- 100% honesty
- Transparency (as discretion and discernment see fit depending on the level of intimacy and depth of relationship with each person)
- Diligence in working on one's own flaws
- A desire to apologize and make amends where need be
- Handling each argument, disagreement, or conflict honorably (and learning the skills for this, as it does not come naturally to the sinful, prideful heart in any of us)
- Total upheaval of bad attitudes, cruel words, and immaturity
- Removal of all toxic, unsafe, and unhealthy relationships for one's own good
- Involving an outside party for accountability and the pursuit of wise counsel
- Making God, His word, and prayer your highest priority regarding all your affairs in life
It is only when these things are adhered to with deliberateness that relationships begin to blossom. Such choices will only make your life better. Will it be easy? Nothing worthwhile is. But don't let pride, stubbornness, or blame shifting get in the way of making changes that will yield a bountiful return.
What else would you add to this list?
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