I'm into natural everything; meals, skincare, hair products, etc.
I am more apt to use natural remedies if I am sick than ever go near medicine from the drug store or doctor. I believe in using preventative medicine; that is, eating whole foods and taking good quality vitamins (and living a healthy lifestyle) as to prevent illness.
"I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity..." (Philippians 4: 12-13)
I am a very accepting, nonjudgmental, and understanding person.
I have been in bondage to various destructive choices over the years and am so thankful for the lessons God has taught me and ways He has transformed my life.
I attribute much of my wisdom in life to my step dad whom God used mightily in my life in more ways than he realizes, my praying mom who has always been there for me and whose presence has made all the difference in my life, the many Christian resources I have studied, my previous Pastor and his wife for their care, kindness, help, support and Biblical wisdom, my previous counselor, Carol, whose smiling face always made me feel welcome and for the many ways she helped me grow as a person, and a dear friend of mine who is a total gem and doll. She epitomizes the words, "True friend" and is a total answer to prayer. (This sort of sounds like the Acknowledgements section at the start of a book, doesn't it? Haha! I just want to acknowledge them because they are all so special to me)
I am a born again Christian who sees all of life through the lens of Scripture. Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords, my dear Savior and Faithful Friend, the One who gave His life for my ransom, and whose praise I will sing eternally.
I am very family oriented. My family means the world to me.
Blue is my favorite color.
I enjoy people-watching. People can be fascinating and are so complex.
I am so thankful to not be a teenager currently. The temptations are more abundant than when I was younger. And that's only within the last decade (give or take a few years)
I have loved writing letters and taking walks for the last several years.
I love quotes.
Here is a list of 7 books that have not yet been written that I would definitely read
I love innocent humor. Laughter is good medicine.
I see my entire life as being orchestrated by the hands of a trustworthy and sovereign God. Sin and bad choices have led me down many dark paths, yet Romans 8: 28 has been true of my life despite my labyrinth of wandering.
I hope that my influence in the lives of people is far reaching and my goal is to always leave people better off than I found them.
Started playing video games when I was eleven years old and still like them. Various Mario games have brought much fun and bonding between my teenage brother and I over the years!
Don't like junk food. After eating something processed, I always crave real food like fruit or homemade vegetable juice.
Love learning about different topics. Knowledge is acquired through reading!
My family and I love (clean) jokes about Chuck Norris.
I wish it were still the 90's when Pop Culture wasn't all-encompassing and there were no smartphones or constant selfies. Playing outside was the norm and social media was non-existent. Those were the days!
If I were currently a teen, I would dye my hair pastel colors. When I was fifteen, I dyed my hair various bright colors, yet think there is so much more of a variety now.
Walking three or four miles a day is something I truly enjoy.
I treasure the Bible and love God.
Sermons by Timothy Keller are initially what made Christianity make sense to me, believable, and understandable as a tangible & coherent worldview.
I am wise with money and see the value in saving as I am able.
Taking walks where I live sometimes affords me the opportunity to see raccoons, skunks, coyotes, snakes and rabbits.
I love surprising others with gifts and cards.
I want to be a photographer, elementary school teacher, model, and counselor -- all in one!
I love attending crowded events if socializing isn't required. Sometimes it's nice to be around a lot of people at a museum or concert and not have to talk to anyone.
I'm a good cook and love making healthy meals (raw, vegan) or natural desserts.
My childhood was filled with playing outside; going on walks, playing hide & seek or tag, swimming, street hockey with my cousins, or catching lizards. I also loved arcades.
I care about people and desire to acknowledge and make them feel important (even if no one else does). No one I meet is unimportant to me.
I want to be a difference maker and world changer.
Hi! I saw your post in godoverporn blog and I stumbled upon your blog. Just wanna let you know that I thank God for your life. I hope you will keep on making Godly posts that will inspire others to pursue a relationship with God. I have been reading other blogs too but they have ceased posting so I hope you'll not stop. Feel free to message me back or something. Encouragements are very much welcomed. Thank you! God bless! ��
Thank you for the sweet note! It is encouraging to hear from those who read my blog and are blessed & helped by it.
Please pray that God would continue to use me in keeping up with writing here. Life can be stressful with much going on to the extent that posting more often like I would enjoy doing just isn't possible. I try my best to post every three days and am thankful it is reaching people like you.
Is there anything specific you'd like me to write about in the future? Is there anything you need prayer or advice over? Please note that writing in this context (the comments section) can be seen by anyone, so if you would like to correspond through email, you can write at: EmmaJoyBlog@gmail.com
Thanks for writing, Paulene! Continue seeking Him. God alone is worthy of our total commitment and praise!
Welcome to the Emma Joy blog! My prayer is that this will be a great resource for people to learn about God or grow in their walk with Him. "I am just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread!" I hope you will be blessed.
Hi! I saw your post in godoverporn blog and I stumbled upon your blog. Just wanna let you know that I thank God for your life. I hope you will keep on making Godly posts that will inspire others to pursue a relationship with God. I have been reading other blogs too but they have ceased posting so I hope you'll not stop. Feel free to message me back or something. Encouragements are very much welcomed. Thank you! God bless! ��
Thank you for the sweet note! It is encouraging to hear from those who read my blog and are blessed & helped by it.
Please pray that God would continue to use me in keeping up with writing here. Life can be stressful with much going on to the extent that posting more often like I would enjoy doing just isn't possible. I try my best to post every three days and am thankful it is reaching people like you.
Is there anything specific you'd like me to write about in the future? Is there anything you need prayer or advice over? Please note that writing in this context (the comments section) can be seen by anyone, so if you would like to correspond through email, you can write at: EmmaJoyBlog@gmail.com
Thanks for writing, Paulene! Continue seeking Him. God alone is worthy of our total commitment and praise!
Emma Joy
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