Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Urgency of Repentance



"Sin ruins everything.  It destroys, disfigures, scars and kills.  We must take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and cast down every imagination that tries to exalt itself over our Father's will (see Second Corinthians 10: 3-5).  Before sin is full grown and brings forth death (see James 1: 13-15) - along with pain and suffering - it starts with being conceived and whatever else was before.  Just one little thought not brought down and fought, just one, and then it grows and takes on a life of its own, which then afterwards destroys the life of the one who didn't win in the mind first, and whoever else is closest to that person."  Mrs. Murphy
I strongly agree with what my dear friend stated in the above paragraph.  Sin is lethal.  It takes us prisoner.  It is a tyrannical master that will push us to the very limit if we do not seek help and bring our lustful cravings before the Lord continually in an act of full surrender and also bring them to light with trusted mentors, genuine accountability partners, and mature believers who are equipped to address our sins from a Biblical standpoint and suggest helpful resources to be an aid in overcoming them.
If you struggle with porn consumption, please don't let another day go by where you don't have an internet filter (and accountability report service) like Covenant Eyes on all your devices.  If you use my affiliate code here, you will get the first month free.  After this, it costs between 10 and 12 dollars (or around 14 for your family to be protected as well).  I use Covenant Eyes on my computer and laptop (I do not own a smartphone and won't because I don't think its healthy to be on the internet's a distraction from what is really important!) and will admit that not having easy access to porn has spared me a lot of wasted time indulging my every lustful fantasy through adult entertainment.  If there is nothing on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer to prevent sinful content from showing, what is to stop you from running to porn once again the next time its lure draws you back for whatever reason?
If you claim to be a Christian or even care slightly about having a relationship with God which was made possible through the salvation God's Son, Jesus Christ, accomplished on behalf of sinners, then please take sin seriously.
"Trifling with sin will prove a kill-joy to the heart."  Charles Spurgeon
Beggar's Daughter is the ministry of a Christian girl named Jessica Harris who used to be addicted to pornography for years.  On her blog, she writes about sexual sin, purity, singleness, and guarding our heart against temptation.  A great read for women who need help pertaining to sexual sin and the pursuit of purity!
Dirty Girls Ministries was founded by a Christian girl named Crystal Renaud who was addicted to porn for years.  She has written a book entitled, "Dirty Girls Come Clean" which I have heard is an excellent resource for women caught up in sexual sin, desiring to walk the path of freedom.
The Covenant Eyes blog has excellent and invaluable resources pertaining to integrity, purity, sexual sin in various forms, recovering from adultery, etc.
xxxchurch has a number of resources centered around pornography, lust, masturbation, same sex attraction, etc. from a Biblical perspective.  A lot of helpful articles on their web site!
Joe Dallas' ministry is geared toward homosexuals.  A great resource and blog by a former homosexual who exalts the Bible in its proper esteem and does not stray from its truths (despite the ever-changing morals - or rather, lack of them - in society and culture today).
You may follow me on Twitter at FuelingLust.  Here I post quotes and the links to articles or ministries regarding how to deal with pornography and impurity in its many forms.
Don't wait another day to get serious about living a clean, God-honoring, Christ-centered, Bible-applying, genuine Christian life where Jesus is front and center...even on the throne of your heart in regards to sex.
If you would like to write to me through email sharing your struggles or asking for help, you may write at:
And most importantly, please keep in mind that we do not know when Jesus is going to return, nor are we sure of the hour of our staying close to God and living a life of integrity and purity in all things is absolutely crucial.

No sin is worth going to hell over.  And the Bible says that the impure will not inherit the Kingdom of God (see First Corinthians 6: 9-10, Galatians 5: 16-25, Ephesians 5: 3-5, Revelation 21: 8).  Wow!  This totally puts our lusts in perspective, doesn't it?


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