Let God...
Isn't it interesting how the media always speaks about sex in a positive way encouraging this lifestyle and yet no one speaks of the STDs you may get, consequences you will suffer, and heartbreak you will experience afterward?
"Porn can you leave you mentally, spiritually, and physically wrecked. Is it worth it?" xxxchurch
"If young men knew the price of sin, even in this life, they would not be so hot to purchase pleasurable moments at the price of painful years." Charles Spurgeon
"All pleasure costs. All pleasure comes at a price. ...The price for the right kind of pleasure is before you enjoy it; the price for the wrong kind of pleasure is after you enjoy it." Ravi Zacharias
"Your future is created by what you do today. Not tomorrow." Anonymous
"If you never start down the path, you'll never end up where the path leads." David Hegg
"The quality of a nation depends on the moral character of its people and the principles upon which they build their individual lives. ...The truth is, whatever a man is in private--what he believes, practices, and has built into his character--determines the actions and decisions he makes in public." Edwin Louis Cole
"Just as the food industry shapes how we eat and the fashion industry shapes how we dress, the sex industry shapes the way we think about sex." Gail Dines & Robert Jensen
"Today is what our tomorrows are made of." Elizabeth George
"When we live each day with nothing to hide, we can sleep each night with nothing to fear." Arun Andrews
"If someone watched your life for 60 days, noting your priorities, dreams, spending, and doing—where would they conclude your heart lies?" RZIM Canada
Love it!
Mrs. M
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