Friday, June 21, 2013

Is it really worth it?

My family recently saw a movie about the tsunami that affected different countries back in 2004.  As I spent time with my mom yesterday, she mentioned how there are people who will look at such a disaster and shake their fist toward God in anger because they cannot comprehend a good God allowing such a tragedy that injured or killed many.  What she said I found strikingly profound and thought provoking.  She went on to say how natural disasters are a part of life on this earth; such as tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc and stated that people are aware that such disaster can strike (as it is simply a part of life) and how it is actually people who make unwise decisions like building a resort/hotel on the beach or spending so much time there out of selfishness (wanting to be tan or look attractive in a bathing suit) and how the beach has become more of an idol for people than it should be.

We must make wise decisions, even by how we dress, where we spend time, the crowd we choose to be around, how late we are out, whether or not alcohol or drugs is involved in the circumstances we are in, etc.

It very much strikes me as odd, disheartening, sad, and quite pathetic (for total lack of a better word!) that people will be upset toward God, want nothing to do with Him, and blame the evils of this world on Him when if you examine certain situations, it was actually a lack of common sense and wise choices on the individual's part...not a fault of God's.  An example of this is going to the mall and noticing how girls, as young as ten years old, dress.  When considering the fact that television hardly brings across morals and purity by the entertainment it portrays and how children and preteens/adolescents especially watch so much of it, along with the music nowadays, what is seen in music videos, and the attire available even for little girls at the average can we question where God was when our child gets kidnapped, abused, harmed, or even murdered!

I really plead with you to understand and view such situations logically.  A lot of girls have a flirtatious manner/speech/and conduct about them (let alone how they dress and the makeup they wear), and yet when they live in such a way and are able to go to unknown places or stay out late (whether their parents are aware of this or not), how can we question where God was when they end up being harmed in some way?

Pornography is another example of how people turn out to act in twisted and often sick ways.  If people fill their minds with perversity to this extreme (or even simple photographs), along with watching shows and listening to music that is filled with perversity and impurity...why do we question God when abuse takes place or our teenagers are perverted?

We all must take responsibility for what we fill our minds with, discuss, engage in, and allow as forms of entertainment in our homes or the people we are often around.

Someone once said to me something to the effect of, "So as a Christian, you just stay away from the world and not have any fun?"  My answer is strictly, "What would be considered fun?  Will a lifestyle consisting of fun bring about a conscience that is clear and without fear, regret, and guilt, as well as the end result of avoiding disease?  Or will your idea of fun include the result of shame, pain, regret, possible overwhelming guilt, and even death when played out to its completion?"

We all know that sin can be pleasurable and is fun...for a time.  Yet, where are our sinful choices leading?  If we continue living in sin (no matter how great or small), where will we be ten years from now?  Will we live rich and meaningful lives or lives filled with damage to our bodies, shame that overtakes us to the point that we don't even want to look in the mirror and feel so unclean we can barely stand it, and possibly be dying in a hospital bed at a young (or older) age because of choices that we then realize were really not even worth it?

Let us not blame God for our own irresponsible and often destructive choices.


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