Friday, March 8, 2013

Set Apart Femininity

I took the following notes word for word from a sermon by Leslie Ludy called "Set Apart Femininity":

"...We don't radiate with the beauty of heaven cause we're clinging to so many things that are of this world."

"So if you're putting your happiness on hold, if you're putting your life on hold until you meet Prince Charming and ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after with him, you are missing out on the true love story of all time that Jesus wants to have with you.  He can be to you, and to your soul and to your heart far more than an earthly love story ever could be.  An earthly love story should be an outflow of your intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ.  It should just be an extension of that relationship, not a replacement for it.  So if you cannot be satisfied in Jesus Christ now, you won't be satisfied in Jesus Christ once you meet this earthly man.  And I think one of the biggest challenges in your single years is to truly understand how to fall in love with Christ and build your life around Him to the point where He is enough for you, even if a guy never comes into your life."

“The questions of a set apart girl, the questions of true Christianity, are not, ‘Who am I? or How can I be happy?’, BUT, how can I bring glory and honor to the name of Jesus Christ?  I remember Elisabeth Elliot one time saying, “The question is not ‘Who am I?’ but ‘Whose am I?’ "  When you know WHO you belong to, it’s all about Him and who He is and who He wants to be through you, not who YOU are, who HE is, and how can you bring glory to His name.  God is not primarily interested in our happiness, but in making us vessels of His honor and glory and making us holy and set apart for Him, which in turn, leads to a very happy, fulfilled life.”

Written by Christina Rossetti in 1880:

“How beautiful are the arms which have embraced Christ, the eyes which have gazed upon Him, the lips which have spoken with Him, the feet which have followed Him.  How beautiful are the hands which have worked the works of Christ, the feet which are treading in His footsteps and have gone about doing good, the lips which have spread abroad His name, the lives that have been counted for Him.”


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