Friday, March 15, 2013

Top 10 New Years Resolutions...

Even though we are three months into the year, here is a great article by Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin entitled "Top 10 New Years Resolutions for young Christian Women" that I know will be a blessing and worth applying to those who read it!

" #1. Resolve to use the Bible alone as a blueprint for thinking and living, rather than culture, feminist progaganda, or peer pressure. Look to the Bible alone to dictate the role of young women. Resolve to study your Bible faithfully each day with the goal of being edified, instructed and challenged. Keeping a journal of the things you learn in the Word each day will help you be more focused and aggressive in actively searching for hard truths to apply.

#2. Resolve to remove from yourself friends who are a negative influence on you, and surround yourself more with friends who will edify you and encourage you in godliness. Resolve to cast from you any outside influence which is unedifying and unsanctifying (e.g. TV show, film, magazine, associates, activities)

#3. Resolve to build stronger relationships with your family members. The state of these relationships should be the most important to you of all, save your relationship with the Lord. Make the most of the time that the Lord has given you to be with your family members by making them your best friends. Resolve to set an inspiring, encouraging example to your brothers and sisters. Resolve to be more respectful to and honoring of your parents, so that it may be well with you.

#4. Resolve to cultivate a deeper, closer, more honoring relationship with your father, which will edify you both. Give him your heart, talk to him, confide in him, pray for him, ask him questions, and let him know that you are behind him and want to build him up to be an even greater man. Search your heart to see if you have committed a greviance against your father in the past which is now an impediment to your relationship with him. Now is an opportune time to ask forgiveness from those you have wronged.

#5. Resolve to do your husband (current or future) good and not evil every day of this year. (Proverbs 31:12) One of the ways we can do our future husbands good right now, even if we don’t know who they are, is to actively preserve and prepare ourselves for them. Preserve yourself by remaining pure physically, emotionally and mentally. Prepare yourself by becoming a worthy bride for a godly man. Develop all the character and skills that a righteous young man will need in a wife.

#6. Resolve to treat and think of other young men as brothers in Christ. Dress and act modestly, in a way that shows consideration for their future wives. Treat young men (including younger brothers) in a way that will build them up rather than tear them down, with respect rather than scorn.

#7. Resolve to clothe yourself with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. Make it start in the inside and shine through to the outside. Resolve to act more gracious, more like a lady. Make “strength and dignity” your clothing. Stand up straight! Smile more. Work on developing a gentle and quiet voice and manner.

#8. Resolve to equip yourself for the Spiritual battle that is taking place. Resolve to work on spiritual disciplines (e.g. prayer, Scripture memorization, in-depth Bible study). Resolve to train your mind (e.g. read many hard books, write, study theology).

#9. Resolve to be a missionary right where you are. Resolve to serve and encourage the people in your congregation. Resolve to develop the character and the messages necessary to disciple the younger women of our generation.

#10. Resolve to not be a compromiser or syncretist. Remember, we are in the midst of a war. As soon as you compromise on a moral issue, you have lost the battle. Win victories for Christ by fighting His battles His way. "


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